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CCSDS Tech Support (11/24/2008 4:18 PM): The charter has been updated to reflect the latest technical content. The charter does not change the work definition of the working group.
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3.06 Cross Support Transfer Services Working Group


Cross Support Services Area (CSS)


Holger Dreihahn

Chairperson E-Mail Address

Chairperson Agency


Deputy Chairperson

not appointed

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Scope of Activity

The CCSDS has published recommendations for five Space Link Extension (SLE) Transfer Services.  Each of these recommendations contains nearly identical specifications for association, operations, and communications management.  Recently a number of new cross support services have been requested by member Agencies. Recommendations for these new services would repeat the redundant sections of the earlier recommendations if specified in the conventional manner. The monolithic nature of the current specification also has the more serious disadvantage that it requires changes to the abstract syntax notation specification for each new service.  Although the specifications do not strictly require that the transfer syntax be directly derived form routines generated by an ASN.1 compiler, the practical result is the need to recompile the local-to-transfer syntax translation routines for each implementation of each new service definition.  A more efficient method will be to define a framework infrastructure that covers the behavior common to cross-support services. That common behavior will address the association handling, procedures with associated operations. The Framework will define the operation syntax using ASN.1 and will use the ISP (CCSDS 913.1-R-1). Service using the Framework will have the capability to define their behavior and their specific syntax  that may be different from ASN.1.

To assist with defining the content of the information exchanged in the cross support services and ultimately also with their management, a functional resource model is developed to abstract CCSDS member agency ground station functions.  This model is registered with SANA to help ensure that the model is maintained as CCSDS standards evolve. 

Rationale for Activity

The purpose of this Working Group is to develop a specification capable of supporting new services implementing each their own behavior and their own syntax. This Working Group, to be known as the Cross Support Transfer Service, will provide:
1) The Framework: a set of procedures defining the behavior required for the establishment and the release of an association and the behavior required for the exchange of information for new data transfer services.  To demonstrate the use of this data type indifferent specification, this Working Group will develop a recommendation including the Association Control, the Generic Procedures, the Operations and the Common Principles for the new services.
2) Concept: this informative book will provide an introduction to the concept associated to the Framework and the definition of new services.
3) Guidelines: the Recommendation will be complemented by prescripitve Guidelines describing the definition of new services and a Concept Definition for introducing the overall approach.
Once defined the Framework recommendation will be the basis of the definition of the Monitored Data Service and the Streaming Tracking Data Service. Subsequently, the Forward Frame Service and the Service Control Service will be developed.
The Framework recommendation will be the baseline for the implementation of a prototype demonstrating the Framework concept.
A subset of the Monitored Data Service functionality will be the baseline for the implementation of a prototype demonstrating the interoperability.
The Streaming Tracking Data Service will be the baseline for the implementation of the prototype demonstrating the interoperability.
A subset of the Forward Frame Services functionality will be the baseline for the implementation of a prototype demonstrating the interoperability.
A subset of the Service Control functionality will be the baseline for the implementation of a prototype demonstrating the interoperability.

In the context of the CSTS service definitions it has become clear that the description of the so called production gear underlying the CSTS services, need to be described in terms of semantics, interaction and monitored parameters and control actions. The latter are in particular relevant for CSTS-MD and CSTS-SC. For that purpose the CSTS WG has come up with the concept of Functional Resources.

Functional Resources are abstract representations of the functionality needed to provide space communication and navigation services provided by a Tracking, Telemetry, and Command (TT&C) service provider (e.g., a ground station), defined at a level of granularity sufficient to specify the configuration parameters, monitored parameters, notifiable events, and control actions that may be requested. Functional Resources contain the information that configures, controls, and/or monitors the characteristics of the interfaces between the TT&C service provider and the user ground element(s) (e.g., spacefilght Mission Operation Center) and user space elelemnts (e.g., Mission spacecraft) - e.g., frequencies, modulation schemes, coding schemes, virtual channel organization, and terrestrial transfer services. Real implementations of TT&C service provider systems map these Functional Resource parameters, events, and directives onto the the physical equipment that actually performs these functions. Functional Resources provide a standard representation of TT&C service provider functionality in CCSDS standards for cross support transfer services and cross support service management.

The CSTS WG will define Functional Resources relevant in the context of an ground station and will ensure proper registration, publication and update of those Functional Resources as a SANA registry.
In parallel with this activity, the Cross Support Transfer Service WG will ensure the maintenance of the existing SLE books: CLTU, FSP, RAF, R-CF and R-OCF. The working group will also ensure the maintenance of the SLE API books.


The goals of this Working Group include:
1) Complete the Cross Support Transfer Service Specification of a Framework and advance it to the CCSDS Recommendation state;
2) Complete the Guidelines and the Concept for the Definition of a new Service based on the Framework;
3) Implement a prototype demonstrating the Framework interoperability of the proposed approach;
4) Complete the production of the Monitored Data Specification and advance it to the CCSDS Recommendation state. 
5) Implement a prototype demonstrating the Monitored Data interoperability of the proposed approach;
6) Complete the production of the Streaming Tracking Data Specification and advance it to the CCSDS Recommendation state.
7) Implement a prototype demonstrating the Streaming Tracking Data interoperability of the proposed approach;
8) Complete the production of the Forward Frame Service Specification and advance it to the CCSDS Recommendation state.
9) Implement a prototype demonstrating the Forward Frame Service interoperability of the proposed approach;
10) Complete the production of the Service Control Specification and advance it to the CCSDS Recommendation state.
11) Implement a prototype demonstrating the Service Control Data interoperability of the proposed approach;
12) Maintain the SLE suite of books;
13) Complete the production of a best practice for the Functional Resource Model and advance it to the CCSDS Recommendation state;
14) Publish the Functional Resources via the SANA Registry.

Survey of Similar Standards Efforts Undertaken in
Other Bodies and elsewhere in CCSDS

Patent Licensing Applicability for Future Standards


Technical Risk Mitigation Strategy

Because the Cross Support Transfer Service will be based upon existing successful implementations of conventional specifications there is little technical risk to this proposed capability.

Management Risk Mitigation Strategy

The approach shall ensure extensibility to ensure that definition or new procedures and operation does not require a major rework of the Framework recommendation.
Lack of resources or reassignment of resources is a constant risk to all standards-development processes. Lack of sufficient budget to ensure that the Working Group members can participate in all meetings. As alternatives videoconferences, teleconferences, and email will be utilized whenever possible to reduce costs.
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Note - To view "Draft" projects, which are not yet approved Click Here.

Approved Projects

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Currently 30 Projects     
Document Type
Project Status
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Modified By
SPACE LINK EXTENSION - Space Link Extension - Forward Space Packet Service Specification Issue 4BlueBehind ScheduleFirst Prototype DevelopmentHolger Dreihahn 
Cross Support Transfer Services : Service Control CSTSBlueBehind ScheduleProject ApprovedBrian Oliver 
Cross Support Reference Model—Part 1: Space Link Extension Services update to B-3BlueBehind ScheduleProject ApprovedBrian Oliver 
Cross-Support Specification Framework BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedMargherita di Giulio 
Guidelines for Specification of Cross Support Transfer ServicesMagentaBehind ScheduleProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
Cross-Support-Transfer Services Specification Framework ConceptGreenAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedHolger Dreihahn 
Monitored Data - Cross Support Transfer ServicesBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
Tracking Data Cross support Transfer Service BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedLaura Stafford 
SLE Application Program Interface for Transfer Services—Core Specification: M-1 UpdateMagentaAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
SLE Application Program Interface for Return All Frames Service. Magenta Book: M-1 UpdateMagentaAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
SLE Application Program Interface for Return Channel Frames Service: M-1 UpdateMagentaAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
SLE Application Program Interface for Return Operational Control Fields: M-1 UpdateMagentaAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
SLE Application Program Interface for the Forward CLTU Service. Magenta Book: M-1 UpdateMagentaAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
SLE Application Program Interface for the Forward Space Packet Service: M-1 UpdateMagentaAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedDi.Giulio Margherita 
Space Link Extension—Internet Protocol for Transfer Services, Recommended Standard, Issue 2BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
SLE —Forward CLTU Service Specification. Blue Book : B-3 UpdateBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
SLE - Return All Frames Service Specification. Blue Book : B-3 UpdateBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
SLE Return Channle Frames Service Specification. Blue Book : B-2 UpdateBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
SLE - Return Operational Control Field Service Specification. Blue Book : B-2 UpdateBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
SLE - Forward Space Packet Service Specification. Blue Book : B-2 UpdateBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
Cross Support Transfer Services: Forward Frame CSTSBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
CSTS Specification Framework - UpdateBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedLaura Stafford 
SPACE LINK EXTENSION— FORWARD CLTU SERVICE SPECIFICATION Issue 5BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
Functional Resource ModelMagentaAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
Cross Support Transfer Service--Tracking Data Service Issue 2BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
Cross Support Transfer Services : Return CFDP PDU ServiceOrangeAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
Cross Support Transfer Services--Monitored Data Service Issue 2BlueBehind ScheduleProject not StartedBrian Oliver