Name of Group
Short Name
Chairperson E-Mail Address
Chairperson Agency
Deputy Chairperson
Deputy Chairperson E-Mail Address
Deputy Chairperson Agency
Mailing List
Scope of Activity
Rationale for Activity
Survey of Similar Standards Efforts Undertaken in Other Bodies and elsewhere in CCSDS
Patent Licensing Applicability for Future Standards
Technical Risk Mitigation Strategy
Management Risk Mitigation Strategy
Description of Change
Brian Oliver (12/22/2020 10:22 PM): Berry, David:

Rationale for Charter Changes

Scope of Activity: The Re-entry Data Message was proposed, approved, and added to the Navigation Working Group project list in June 2016 via CMC Poll CMC-P-2016-06-001. The Navigation WG Chair should have initiated a Charter revision at that time.

Charter Item #2: Attitude sensor data has been moved to the Attitude Data Messages document as part of the approved revision project currently in progress (see Charter Item #5 below for additional relevant info). The Navigation Hardware Message was demoted to to a Draft Project and may not ever be produced (see MOIMS Area Director Resolution MOIMS-NAV WG-R-2017-11-001). The Navigation WG Chair should have initiated a Charter revision at that time.

Charter Item #3: As noted in "Charter Item #2" above, attitude sensor data has been moved to the Attitude Data Messages document as part of the approved revision project currently in progress. Some text has been added to clarify the use of such data. The Navigation WG Chair should have initiated a Charter revision at that time.

Charter Item #5: The Spacecraft Maneuver Message (SMM) was added to the Navigation WG Charter in April 2012 via CMC-P-2011-11-006 to provide standard content and format for describing spacecraft maneuvers affecting orbit or attitude. However, after a handful of White Books were drafted, it became increasingly clear that the SMM would necessitate duplication of a great deal of material already in the Orbit Data Messages (ODM) and Attitude Data Messages (ADM) Blue Books. During WG discussion it was determined that such duplication would create a future problem maintaining consistency between the SMM, ODM, and ADM standards documents. During the CCSDS Fall 2016 Meetings discussions on the topic of the SMM, the Navigation WG agreed that (a) work on the SMM standard should be terminated, (b) the SMM requirements related to translational maneuvers should be moved to the approved revision project of the ODM, and (c) the SMM requirements related to orientational maneuvers should be moved to the approved revision project of the ADM. The Navigation WG Chair should have initiated a Charter revision at that time.

Charter Item #6: As noted above, the Re-entry Data Message (RDM) was proposed, approved, and added to the Navigation Working Group project list in June 2016 via CMC Poll CMC-P-2016-06-001. Given that the RDM is in the same general category of providing a warning message to space agencies, the RDM has been added to this Charter item. The Navigation WG Chair should have initiated a Charter revision in June 2016.

Charter Item #8 (New): The Navigation Data Messages XML Specification (NDM/XML) was an entry in the Navigation WG Charter in 2008 (or perhaps earlier) and was removed from the Charter in 2011 because the standard was published in 12/2010. A new project for revisions of the NDM/XML based on the 5 Year Review was approved via CMC Poll CMC-P-2016-06-003 in July 2016. The Navigation WG Chair should have initiated a Charter revision at that time.

Charter Items #9, #10: renumbered from #8, #9 based on insertion of the new item #8.

Patent Licensing: Update of effective date.

CCSDS Tech Support (1/25/2016 9:13 PM): 08/22/2015: Responding to CESG Chair request to align WG charters with the CCSDS Strategic Plan.

Berry David (4/3/2014 10:57 AM): Added: clarifying text in "Scope of Activity", i.e., specific aspects of flight dynamics. Removed "Support" statements (as shown below). Rationale: "Support..." is not a measurable deliverable. 7) Support Cross Support Transfer Services WG efforts pertaining to NAV-related requirements associated with TDM transfer issues being addressed by CCSDS SLE management. Deliverable: NAV feedback per request. 8) Support the Delta Differential One-Way Ranging (DDOR) WG. Deliverable: Review documents. 9) Support Spacecraft Monitor & Control WG efforts pertaining to Flight Dynamics Services. Deliverable: NAV feedback per request.

CCSDS Tech Support (11/14/2013 2:57 PM): 1. Removed Conjunction Data Message goal, as the Blue Book has been completed. 2. Confirmed names of standards in progress (Navigation Hardware Message, Spacecraft Maneuver Message) 3. Re-ordered and re-numbered goal list.

CCSDS Tech Support (1/24/2012 1:26 PM): 1. Removed NDM/XML Blue Book goal due to its having been published 12/2010. 
2. Added "Events Message" project based on Concept Paper presented at London in Fall 2010. 
3. Added "Spacecraft Maneuver Message" project on Concept Paper presented at London in Fall 2010. 
4. Re-ordered Goals list to reflect current Working Group priorities. 
5. Added statement regarding patent policy. 
6. Expanded statement of supplemental information to be added in Green Book V.4
Berry David (11/3/2011 3:54 PM): 05/2011
1. Removed NDM/XML Blue Book goal due to its having been published 12/2010. 2. Added "Events Message" project based on Concept Paper presented at London in Fall 2010. 3. Added "Spacecraft Maneuver Message" project on Concept Paper presented at London in Fall 2010. 4. Re-ordered Goals list to reflect current Working Group priorities. 5. Added statement regarding patent policy.

1.  Expanded statement of supplemental information to be added in Green Book V.4
Berry David (5/15/2011 12:29 PM): 1. Removed NDM/XML Blue Book goal due to its having been published 12/2010.

2. Added "Events Message" project based on Concept Paper presented at London in Fall 2010.

3. Added "Spacecraft Maneuver Message" project on Concept Paper presented at London in Fall 2010.

4. Re-ordered Goals list to reflect current Working Group priorities.

5. Added statement regarding patent policy.
CCSDS Tech Support (9/29/2010 3:08 PM): Removed "enhanced ODM Blue Book" deliverable because it was completed.

Added "new standard based on the 'Navigation Hardware Message' Concept Paper".

CCSDS Tech Support (7/28/2009 11:31 PM): <div>Added 2 new lines to "Goals" section, as follows:
<br>6) Support Spacecraft Monitor & Control WG efforts pertaining to Flight Dynamics Services. Deliverable: NAV feedback per request.
<br>7) Explore additional opportunities for standardization in the area of flight dynamics. Deliverable:  Concept Papers.
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Name of Group

2.02 Navigation Working Group


Mission Operations and Information Management Services Area (MOIMS)


David Berry

Chairperson E-Mail Address

Chairperson Agency


Deputy Chairperson

Frank Dreger

Deputy Chairperson E-Mail Address

Deputy Chairperson Agency


Mailing List

Scope of Activity

The Navigation Working Group provides a discipline-oriented forum for detailed discussions and development of technical flight dynamics standards (orbit/trajectory, attitude, tracking, maneuver, pointing, orbital events, conjunction assessment, satellite re-entry, etc.).

Rationale for Activity

Increased possibility of flight dynamics interoperability.


1) Establish the content and format required for the exchange of orbit/trajectory descriptions for use in tracking spacecraft, mission planning, conjunction assessment, and other space applications. Deliverable: Orbit Data Messages Blue Book.
2) Establish the content and format required for the exchange of spacecraft tracking data and navigation sensor data for use in orbit determination applications. Deliverable: Tracking Data Message Blue Book.
3 Establish the content and format required for the exchange of spacecraft attitude/orientation data and attitude sensor data for use in attitude determination applications. Deliverable: Attitude Data Messages Blue Book.
4) Establish the content and format required to facilitate the transmission of requests related to pointing spacecraft instruments and/or onboard antennas, which require ephemeris and attitude knowledge to process. Deliverable: Pointing Requests Message Blue Book
5) Establish the content and format required to exchange spacecraft maneuver information, both predicted and reconstructed, related to intentional changes to the spacecraft orbit and attitude using spacecraft actuators. Deliverable: Orbit Data Messages Blue Book, Attitude Data Messages Blue Book.
6) Establish the content and format required to exchange warnings related to conjunctions of space objects and re-entry of space objects. Deliverable: Conjunction Data Message Blue Book, Re-Entry Data Message Blue Book.
7) Establish the content and format required to facilitate the exchange of predicted orbital events which affect spacecraft operations. Deliverable: Navkgation Events Message Blue Book.
8) Establish a structure and format that allows the creation of an integrated message combining data from the Blue Books in the Navigation Working Group charter. Deliverable: Navigation Data Messages XML Specification.
9) Develop informational reports that provide explanatory information regarding the published and in progress flight dynamics standards. Deliverable: Green Books containing material relevant to the several flight dynamics standards.
10) Explore additional opportunities for standardization in the area of flight dynamics. Deliverable: Concept Papers.

Survey of Similar Standards Efforts Undertaken in
Other Bodies and elsewhere in CCSDS

The CCSDS Navigation Working Group maintains a liaison with the ISO TC20/SC14/WG3, a related standards organization in the space operations community.

Patent Licensing Applicability for Future Standards

At this time (12/2020) there are no known or potential patent licenses that apply to the standards developed by the Navigation Working Group

Technical Risk Mitigation Strategy

Problems and proposed solutions are well understood, as they are derived from existing and tested navigation data support functions. Technical risk is minimal.

Management Risk Mitigation Strategy

Unavailability of resources could delay achievement of milestones. Fallback option would be to reschedule the milestones.
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Note - To view "Draft" projects, which are not yet approved Click Here.

 Approved Projects

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Currently 22 Projects     
Document Type
Project Status
Project Phase
Modified By
Navigation Data Messages XML Specification V.4BlueOn ScheduleFirst draft circulated to WGDavid Berry 
Navigation Events MessageBlueOn ScheduleFirst draft comments dueDavid Berry 
Launch Data MessageBlueOn ScheduleFirst draft comments dueTom Gannett 
Navigation Composite MessageBlueOn ScheduleProject ApprovedBrian Oliver 
Navigation Data Messages / XML SpecificationBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedPeccia Nestor 
Orbit Data Messages (Version 2)BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
Navigation Green Book (Version 3 500.0-G-3)GreenAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
Navigation Data Messages Overview Green Book GreenAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
Conjunction Data MessageBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
Pointing Requests MessageBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedDavid Berry 
Tracking Data Message (TDM) 5 Year Review RevisionBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
Attitude Data Message (ADM) 5 Year Review RevisionBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedDavid Berry 
Orbit Data Message (ODM) 5 Year Review RevisionBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
Re-Entry Data MesssageBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
Navigation Data—Definitions and ConventionsGreenAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedDavid Berry 
Navigation Data Messages XML Specification Five Year RevisionsBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedLaura Stafford 
Navigation Data Messages OverviewGreenAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedLaura Stafford 
Navigation Data Messages Overview Green Book (V.3)GreenAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
Navigation Data Messages XML Specification V.3BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
Fragmentation Data MessageBlueOn ScheduleProject not StartedDavid Berry 
Conjunction Data Message 5 Year Review RevisionBlueBehind ScheduleRID ResolutionDavid Berry 
Tracking Data Message Version 3BlueOn ScheduleSecond draft comments dueDavid Berry