
Project Title

Conjunction Data Message 5 Year Review Revision



Document Number



2.02 Navigation Working Group

Document Type


Description of Document

The Conjunction Data Message (CDM) specifies a standard message format for use in exchanging spacecraft conjunction information between originators of conjunction assessments and satellite owner/operators and other authorized parties. Such exchanges provide critical information to satellite owner/operators to enable timely collision avoidance decisions. The CDM is applicable to satellite operations in all environments in which close approaches and collisions among satellites are concerns.

Applicable Patents

There are no patent issues for this technology that are known by the CCSDS community

Patent Comments

Survey of Similar Standards
Documents or Projects
Undertaken in Other Bodies
and elsewhere in CCSDS

None that we know of. This is a revision of an existing, widely used international standard.


Book Editor


Book Editor Resources

UKSA Lead Editor with assistance from member of the ISO TC20/SC14 and Center for Space Standards and Innovation.

Prototype 1


Prototype 1 Resources

NASA/CARA is a current consumer/producer of version 1 CDMs.

Prototype 2


Prototype 2 Resources

ESOC/Space Debris Office is currently a consumer of version 1 CDMs.

Prototype 3

Prototype 3 Resources



Monitor Only

Resource Comments

This project will extend the Conjunction Data Message to incorporate suggestions that have emerged from the large current user base.


Legend for Schedule Milestones
Orange Bullet = Required for Orange Books
Green Bullet = Required for Green Books
Magenta Bullet = Required for Magenta Books
Blue Bullet = Required for Blue Books
Note - Red Books are Draft Blue/Magenta Books

Schedule Milestones
Orange BookGreen BookMagenta BookBlue Book
Original Completion Date
(Date in M/D/YYYY format.)
(Date in M/D/YYYY format.)
Project ApprovedOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet12/14/2018Approved @CMC 10/23-24/2018 and CMC-P-2018-10-002
Project Start DateOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet1/7/2019Received Master Copy from Secretariat
Internal WG Review
First Draft Circulated to WGOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet9/30/2019P1.0.1 distributed
First Draft Comments DueOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet10/31/2019P1.0.1 review complete
Second draft circulated to WGOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet9/30/2020P-1.0.6 distributed
Second Draft Comments DueOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet10/31/2020
Final WB Submitted to AD for Further ProcessingOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet11/15/2020P-1.0.7 submitted
External Milestones
Secretariat Document ProcessingOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet1/15/2021
First Agency ReviewMagenta BulletBlue Bullet3/15/2021
RID ResolutionMagenta BulletBlue Bullet4/30/2021
Secretariat Document Processing 2Magenta BulletBlue Bullet5/30/2021
Final Agency ReviewMagenta BulletBlue Bullet
RID ResolutionMagenta BulletBlue Bullet
First Prototype DevelopmentBlue Bullet7/30/2021
Second Prototype DevelopmentBlue Bullet8/30/2021
CMC ApprovalOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet10/15/2021
Total Time to Complete
(in months)
Version: 392.0
Created at 10/16/2018 10:24 AM by David Berry
Last modified at 5/31/2024 2:24 PM by David Berry