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Resource Comments
Total = 60
Intergovernmental Cloud-based Certification Authority1.02 Security Working Group1.02 SEA-SECMagenta357.1Approved11/04/201912/01/2024NASANASACNESNot RequiredCNES, NASACSA, DLR, ESA, UKSA
Revise Cryptographic Algorithm BB1.02 Security Working Group1.02 SEA-SECBlue352.0-BApproved07/26/202410/15/2026ESAESATBDTBDESA, NASACNES, DLR, JAXA, UKSA
This work would entail pink sheet revisions to the existing BB but since new algorithms are being added, will require interoperability testing.
Revise Key Management Green Book1.02 Security Working Group1.02 SEA-SECGreen350.6Approved07/30/201906/01/2024ESAESA, NASACNES, DLR, UKSA
Revise Security Architecture for Space Data Systems1.02 Security Working Group1.02 SEA-SECMagenta351.0-M-1Approved04/15/202411/16/2026UKSANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredESA, NASACNES, DLR
Editorship will be co-chaired by UKSA (Thompson) and ESA (Oranje).
Secure Interconnection Guide Magenta Book1.02 Security Working Group1.02 SEA-SECMagentaApproved05/01/202406/15/2026NASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredNASACNES, DLR, ESA, JAXA, UKSA
Secure Software Engineering for Space Missions1.02 Security Working Group1.02 SEA-SECMagentaApproved07/01/202108/25/2025ESANot RequiredNot RequiredESA, NASACSA, CNES, DLR, ESA, NASA, UKSA
Delta-DOR Architectural guidelines1.06 Delta-DOR Working Group1.06 SEA-D-DORMagenta506.2Approved01/31/202003/31/2023NASAFSA, JAXA, NASAFSA
Time Management Green Book1.07 Time Management Working Group1.07 SEA-TimeGreen300.1Approved09/11/201908/15/2021NASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredESA, NASACNES, DLR
NASA staffing for this has been identified.  ESA has expressed an interest, but staffing has yet to be confirmed.  BoF meetings have regularly included 10-12 individual from NASA, ESA, and DLR.
Audit and Certification of Trustworthy Digital Repositories. (ISO 16363) - 5 year review2.01 Data Archive Interoperability Working Group2.01 MOIMS-DAIMagenta652.0Approved08/22/201607/02/2025UKSANot RequiredNot RequiredDLR, ESA, NASA, UKSACNES
NOTE: Document editor effort is shared and is provided by personnel not directly funded by CCSDS Member Agency.
Document editor effort is provided free to UKSA.  Document Editor effort is provided free to NASA.
Information Preparation to enable Long Term use2.01 Data Archive Interoperability Working Group2.01 MOIMS-DAIMagenta653.0Approved04/03/201404/22/2025CNESESA, NASA, UKSA
OAIS-IF Core Specification2.01 Data Archive Interoperability Working Group2.01 MOIMS-DAIBlueApproved11/15/202212/01/2026UKSANASAESAESA, NASA, UKSA
Industry Resources outside the normal Space Agency funding paths are being made available to support this project. UKSA (Giaretta Associates) NASA (JPL, Kearney Solutions, Garrett Software, Longstreth LLC). Others (non-space agencies) are also contributing
OAIS-IF Rationale, Scenarios and Requirements2.01 Data Archive Interoperability Working Group2.01 MOIMS-DAIGreenApproved11/15/202212/01/2026UKSAESA, NASA, UKSA
The material has largely already been collected as part of the work to determine the requirements for OAIS-IF.
Open Archive Information Systems Interoperability Framework (OAIS-IF) Architecture Definition2.01 Data Archive Interoperability Working Group2.01 MOIMS-DAIMagenta671.0Approved07/31/201712/01/2026NASACNES, DLR, ESA, NASA, UKSACNES, DLR, NASA, UKSA
Industry Resources outside the normal Space Agency funding paths are being made available to support this project.
UKSA (Giaretta Associates)
NASA (JPL, SEDAC, Kearney Solutions, Garrett Software)
NARA (CCSDS liaison organization)  is also contributing.
Others (non-space agencies) are also contributing
Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS) - 5 year review2.01 Data Archive Interoperability Working Group2.01 MOIMS-DAIMagenta650.0Approved08/22/201607/02/2025UKSANot RequiredNot RequiredDLR, ESA, NASA, UKSAASI, CSA, CNES, CNSA, DLR, FSA, INPE
NOTE: Document editor effort is shared and is provided by personnel not directly funded by CCSDS Member Agency.
Document editor effort is provided free to UKSA.  Document Editor effort is provided free to NASA.
We do not have commitments for monitoring but we believe that the general interest in OAIS means that all agencies will have some interest in monitoring.
Requirements for Bodies Providing Audit and Certification of Candidate Trustworthy Digital Repositories. (ISO 16919) - 5 year review2.01 Data Archive Interoperability Working Group2.01 MOIMS-DAIMagenta652.1Approved12/20/201907/02/2025NASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredDLR, ESA, NASA, UKSACNES
Document Editor effort is provided free to NASA (Garrett).
Liaison Agency National Archives and Records Administration (USA) will also contribute to this effort.
Industry Resources outside the normal Space Agency funding paths are being made available to support this project.
Conjunction Data Message 5 Year Review Revision2.02 Navigation Working Group2.02 MOIMS-NAVBlue508.0Approved01/14/201909/30/2024UKSANASAESACNES, DLR, ESA, JAXA, NASA, UKSA
This project will extend the Conjunction Data Message to incorporate suggestions that have emerged from the large current user base.
Fragmentation Data Message2.02 Navigation Working Group2.02 MOIMS-NAVBlue508.2Approved01/02/202409/15/2026ESAOtherCNES, DLR, JAXA, NASA, UKSA
No issues known.
Launch Data Message2.02 Navigation Working Group2.02 MOIMS-NAVBlue507.1Approved06/02/202312/01/2025NASANASAUKSADLR, ESA, JAXA, NASA, UKSA
Navigation Data Messages XML Specification V.42.02 Navigation Working Group2.02 MOIMS-NAVBlue505.0Approved01/06/202301/15/2025NASANASANot RequiredNot RequiredESACNES, DLR, JAXA, UKSA
As noted in the comments for the Book Editor above, most of the schema work has already been done. Originally it was planned to have the ADM changes in the NDM/XML V.3 along with the ODM changes, but the ODM developed faster than the ADM. So it was necessary to split the removal of XML formatting for ODM and ADM into 2 separate versions of the NDM/XML Specification.
Navigation Events Message2.02 Navigation Working Group2.02 MOIMS-NAVBlue507.0Approved11/07/201702/28/2026CNESCNESESADLR, ESA, NASA
Tracking Data Message Version 32.02 Navigation Working Group2.02 MOIMS-NAVBlue503.0Approved05/06/201908/30/2026NASANASAESACNES, DLR, ESA, JAXA, NASA, UKSA
This project has the potential to require significant agency resources over a standard development period.
5Y Review - Mission Operations--Message Abstraction Layer Binding to HTTP Transport and XML Encoding2.04 Spacecraft Monitoring and Control Working Group2.04 MOIMS-SM&CBlue524.3-Approved07/01/202208/01/2024ESAESANASACNES, DLRJAXA, UKSA
An opensource implementation of the BB exists already (NASA). A second implementation of the HTTP also exists (ESA). Only minor updates are expected to reflect alignment with the updated MAL BB.  No new prototyping needed.
5Y Review -Mission Operations Monitor & Control Services 2.04 Spacecraft Monitoring and Control Working Group2.04 MOIMS-SM&CBlueCCSDS 522.1Approved02/01/202201/15/2025CNESCNESESADLR, NASAJAXA, UKSA
3 implementations of the M&C servicces exists (ESA, DLR and CNES). An operationally validated implementation exists for the OPSSAT mission. Updates will be performed on top of the existing implementations. Hence moderate effort required.
Mission Operations - Mission Product Distribution Services2.04 Spacecraft Monitoring and Control Working Group2.04 MOIMS-SM&CBlue522.2Approved01/01/201501/30/2025ESAESACNESDLR, FSA, NASA, UKSAJAXA
Mission Operations Services Concept (Issue 4)2.04 Spacecraft Monitoring and Control Working Group2.04 MOIMS-SM&CGreenApproved12/01/201606/30/2026ESACNES, ESA, NASA
MO Reference Model 5yr update2.04 Spacecraft Monitoring and Control Working Group2.04 MOIMS-SM&CMagenta520.1Approved10/19/201811/01/2023DLRESACNES, NASA
XML Telemetric and Command Exchange (XTCE) Element Description2.04 Spacecraft Monitoring and Control Working Group2.04 MOIMS-SM&CGreen660.1Approved04/15/201903/01/2021NASANASAESA
Mission Planning And Scheduling Blue Book2.07 Mission Planning And Scheduling2.07 MOIMS-MPBlue529.1Approved05/08/201707/01/2024ESAESADLRCNES, DLR, ESA, NASA, UKSACNES
Preparatory work done in ESA projects, can be helpful in reducing the required effort.
Common Data Entities -- Magenta 23.03 Cross Support Service Management Working Group3.03 CSS-CSSMMagenta902.12Approved03/21/202202/28/2023ESANASA
Book updates have largely already been performed in support of the Service Mnagement Utilization Request and Service Package data formats.
Cross Support Service Management: Service Management Utilization Request Formats3.03 Cross Support Service Management Working Group3.03 CSS-CSSMBlue902.9Approved02/01/201607/30/2024ESAESADLRNASA, UKSACNES
Cross Support Service Management: Service Package Data Formats3.03 Cross Support Service Management Working Group3.03 CSS-CSSMBlue902.4Approved12/15/201707/30/2024NASADLRESADLR, ESACNES, UKSA
SPACE LINK EXTENSION - Space Link Extension - Forward Space Packet Service Specification Issue 43.06 Cross Support Transfer Services Working Group3.06 CSS-CSTSBlue912.3Approved02/01/202112/30/2022ESANASA
SOIS Subnetwork Device Discovery Service 5 Year Book Review4.01 Subnetwork Services Working Group4.01 SOIS-SUBNETMagenta854.0Approved11/25/2016NASAFSAESA
The books really need to reviewed as a group and salient use cases applied for deterministic examples, so length of time may seem longer than just independently reviewing a single book.
SOIS Subnetwork Memory Access Service 5 Year Book Review4.01 Subnetwork Services Working Group4.01 SOIS-SUBNETMagenta852.0Approved10/01/2020NASAFSAESA
The books really need to be reviewed as a group and salient use cases applied for deterministic examples, so length of time may seem longer than an independent book review.
SOIS Subnetwork Packet Service 5 Year Book Review4.01 Subnetwork Services Working Group4.01 SOIS-SUBNETMagenta851.0Approved12/14/201603/01/2022NASAFSAESA
The books really need to reviewed as a group and salient use cases applied for deterministic examples, so length of time to complete will be spread-out over 1 year.
SOIS Subnetwork Synchronization Service 5 Year Book Review4.01 Subnetwork Services Working Group4.01 SOIS-SUBNETMagenta853.0Approved11/01/2016NASAFSAESA
The books really need to reviewed as a group and salient use cases applied for deterministic examples, so length of time may seem longer than just independently reviewing a single book.
SOIS Subnetwork Test Service 5 Year Book Review4.01 Subnetwork Services Working Group4.01 SOIS-SUBNETMagenta855.0Approved10/13/201709/07/2018NASAFSAESA
The books really need to reviewed as a group and salient use cases applied.  Length of time may seem longer than just independently reviewing a single book.
NASA core Flight System (cFS) as a CCSDS Onboard Reference Architecture 4.02 Application Support Services Working Group4.02 SOIS-APPOrangeApproved10/01/202002/15/2024NASANot RequiredNot RequiredCNSA, ESA, NASA
The schedule for this book is longer due to resource availability. This should not affect total funding other than spanning 2 NASA fiscal years .
Evolutions of CCSDS recommendations for RF & Modulation systems, part 15.01 RF and Modulation Working Group5.01 SLS-RFMBlue401.0Approved10/15/200812/30/2023ESAESANASACNES, DLR, FSAJAXA
“TM Synchronization and Channel Coding”, New channel interleaver for TURBO encoder5.02 Space Link Coding and Synchronization Working Group5.02 SLS-C&SBlue131.0Approved10/01/202001/15/2025NASANASAESANot RequiredESA, NASACNES, DLR
Proximity-1 extension5.02 Space Link Coding and Synchronization Working Group5.02 SLS-C&SBlue211.2-B Approved09/10/202302/01/2026ESAESANASAESA, NASACNES, DLR, UKSA
this project shall be done in liaison with projects under SLP and RFM charters for extending Proximity-1 in 211.0-B and 211.1.-B
Slicing of transfer frames5.02 Space Link Coding and Synchronization Working Group5.02 SLS-C&SBlue131.0-BApproved09/01/202301/01/2025ESAESANASANASACNES, DLR
Compression of Raw Synthetic Aperture Radar Data5.03 Data Compression Working Group5.03 SLS-DCBlue125.0Approved06/01/202009/30/2026ESAESANASACNESCNES, NASA
Low-Complexity Lossless & Near-lossless Multispectral & Hyperspectral Image Compression, issue 35.03 Data Compression Working Group5.03 SLS-DCBlue123.0Approved06/27/202305/01/2026NASANASANASACNESCNES, ESA, NASA
Robust Compression of Fixed-Length Housekeeping Data Packets - Summary of concept and rationale5.03 Data Compression Working Group5.03 SLS-DCGreen120.4Approved09/01/202111/01/2024ESANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredCNES, ESANASA
Add New Normative Annex: Proximity-1 Link Default Session Access Control Parameters for the Mars and Lunar Enterprises5.04 Space Link Protocols Working Group5.04 SLS-SLPBlue211.0-B-6Approved06/01/2023NASANASAESAESA, NASACNES, DLR, UKSA
Implementations are underway by both contractors so it behooves CCSDS to provide guidance to both of them by means of this Normative Annex to Prox-1 SDLP as soon as possible.
Augmenting Proximity-1 Directive Set for Lunar Operations5.04 Space Link Protocols Working Group5.04 SLS-SLPBlue211.0-B-6Approved04/15/2023NASANASAUKSANot RequiredESA, NASA, UKSACNES, DLR
Proximity-1 Green Book Revision G-35.04 Space Link Protocols Working Group5.04 SLS-SLPGreen210.0-G-3Approved12/06/202205/15/2023NASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredESA, NASA, UKSACNES, DLR
SLS Glossary of Terms5.04 Space Link Protocols Working Group5.04 SLS-SLPMagenta707.1Approved02/15/201907/30/2023NASACNES, DLR, ESA, NASA, UKSAINPE, JAXA
No Prototype is required
USLP Green Book Version 25.04 Space Link Protocols Working Group5.04 SLS-SLPGreen700.1Approved12/09/202006/01/2022NASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredESA, NASA, UKSACNES, DLR
Optical Communications Coding & Synchronization (Issue 2)5.10 Optical Communications Working Group5.10 SLS-OPTBlue142.0Approved06/01/201910/01/2022DLRESACNES, DLR, ESA, JAXA, NASA
Optical Communications Concepts and Terminologies5.10 Optical Communications Working Group5.10 SLS-OPTGreen140.0Approved11/01/201912/30/2022ESANot RequiredNot RequiredCNES, DLR, NASAJAXA
Optical Communications Physical Layer (Issue 2)5.10 Optical Communications Working Group5.10 SLS-OPTBlue141.0Approved06/03/201904/01/2022OtherDLRESACNES, DLR, ESA, JAXA, NASA
Specifications for Real-time Protocol as transport for voice & video6.08 Motion Imagery and Applications Working Group6.08 SIS-MIABlue766.3Approved11/06/201706/01/2022NASADLRNASADLR, ESA, FSA, NASACNES, JAXA
There may be some contributions from DTN Working Group members depending on the availability of their time and the amount of DTN related content in our Blue Book. 
Bundle Protocol Security Protocol (BPsec) for CCSDS6.09 Delay Tolerant Networking Working Group6.09 SIS-DTNBlue734.5Approved08/01/202009/01/2023NASANASADLRDLR, ESA, NASAESA, JAXA
Bundle Security Protocol Green Book6.09 Delay Tolerant Networking Working Group6.09 SIS-DTNGreenApproved09/01/202006/01/2023NASANASADLR, ESA
Resources, contributors, and monitors for this project have not yet been identified.  The project is being posted in order for the DTN WG to begin tracking it in planning and scheduling.
CCSDS Bundle Protocol Network Management6.09 Delay Tolerant Networking Working Group6.09 SIS-DTNGreen730.3Approved12/18/201708/01/2022NASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredDLR, NASACNES, DLR, JAXA
CCSDS Bundle Protocol Network Management6.09 Delay Tolerant Networking Working Group6.09 SIS-DTNBlue734.4Approved12/18/201705/01/2025NASAJAXANASACNES, JAXA, NASADLR
Licklider Transmission Protocol - 5-year Review6.09 Delay Tolerant Networking Working Group6.09 SIS-DTNBlue734.1Approved01/25/202111/19/2023NASANASAESAESA, NASA
Resources, contributors, and monitors for this project have not yet been identified.  The project is being posted in order for the DTN WG to begin tracking it in planning and scheduling.
Update to Bundle Protocol Specification6.09 Delay Tolerant Networking Working Group6.09 SIS-DTNBlue734.2Approved08/01/202009/01/2023NASANot RequiredESA, JAXADLR, ESA