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Total = 32
Space Communication Cross Support Architecture Requirements Document, version 21.01 System Architecture Working Group1.01 SEA-SAMagenta901.1Approved04/28/2023NASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredDLR, ESA, NASACNES, CNSA, INPE
Members of other CCSDS WG who have standards referenced in this document have agreed to continute information as well as review the final product.
Revise Application of Security to CCSDS Protocols1.02 Security Working Group1.02 SEA-SECGreenCCSDS 350.0-GApprovedNASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredNASACNES, DLR, ESA, UKSA
Revise existing document with anticipated minor changes/updates.
DELTA-DIFFERENTIAL ONE WAY RANGING (DELTA-DOR) OPERATIONS1.06 Delta-DOR Working Group1.06 SEA-D-DORMagenta506.0Approved08/31/2023NASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredESA, JAXA, NASA
This update is central to the work of the D-DOR WG.
Delta-DOR Raw Data Exchange Format - Issue 21.06 Delta-DOR Working Group1.06 SEA-D-DORBlue506.1Approved06/30/2022ESAESANASAJAXAESA, JAXA, NASAFSA
Navigation Composite Message2.02 Navigation Working Group2.02 MOIMS-NAVBlueTBDApproved08/31/2027NASANASAESA
Mission Operations File Management Services2.04 Spacecraft Monitoring and Control Working Group2.04 MOIMS-SM&CBlueApproved10/01/2026ESAESADLRCNES, DLR, ESA, NASAJAXA, NASA
Mission Planning and Scheduling (Issue 2)2.07 Mission Planning And Scheduling2.07 MOIMS-MPGreen529.0-G-2Approved06/01/2025ESACNES, DLR, ESA, NASA, UKSA
This is an update of an existing Green Book, with limited changes expected.
Mission Planning and Scheduling Information Model2.07 Mission Planning And Scheduling2.07 MOIMS-MPMagentaApproved05/01/2025ESACNES, DLR, ESA, NASA, UKSA
This book will contain existing material taken out from the draft Mission Planning and Scheduling Blue Book. As such, the resources required for this book are expected to be minimal.
Cross Support Service Management: Service Agreement and Service Configuration Profile Data Formats3.03 Cross Support Service Management Working Group3.03 CSS-CSSMBlue902.5Approved07/30/2025DLRDLRNASAESADLR, NASA, UKSACNES, DLR, ESA, JAXA, NASA, UKSA
Cross Support Reference Model—Part 1: Space Link Extension Services update to B-33.06 Cross Support Transfer Services Working Group3.06 CSS-CSTSBlueCCSDS 910.4-B-2Approved01/01/2024NASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredESA
The update will be quite minor. Basically B-3 will state that there will be no further SLE services in addition to the existing ones. Later services will be specified as Cross Support transfer Services (CSTS).
Cross Support Transfer Services : Service Control CSTS3.06 Cross Support Transfer Services Working Group3.06 CSS-CSTSBlueApproved09/30/2024NASANASAESAESA, NASA
Cross Support Transfer Services--Monitored Data Service Issue 23.06 Cross Support Transfer Services Working Group3.06 CSS-CSTSBlue922.1Approved10/15/2022NASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredESACNES
Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services - Reliable wireless intra-communication for spacecraft and launcher - PHY4.03 Onboard Wireless Working Group4.03 SOIS-WIROrangeApproved12/01/2024NASADLRJAXADLR, JAXA
Wireless Network Communications Overview for Space Mission Operations (Issue 4)4.03 Onboard Wireless Working Group4.03 SOIS-WIRGreenCCSDS-880.0-G-4ApprovedNASANot RequiredNot RequiredCSACSA, CNES, DLR, ESA, FSA, JAXA, NASA
This project has been reviewed and agreed to buy the SOIS-WIR WG NASA and CSA members.
Link Budget Digital Format (LBDF)5.02 Space Link Coding and Synchronization Working Group5.02 SLS-C&SOrangeto be assigned by EditorApproved11/01/2025ESAESANASA
Project is common for RFM and C&S WGs. It is raised here under C&S only for avoiding duplication.

It is also reported that ESA is suffering a shortage of manpower for supporting C&S and RFM WGs (see SLS AD report in Spring 2024)
Reorganize COP-1/COP-P into one Combined Blue Book5.04 Space Link Protocols Working Group5.04 SLS-SLPBlueApprovedNASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredNASACNES, DLR, UKSA
Mostly a secretariat task to create one CCSDS blue book from the COP-P in 211.0-B-6 and the CCSDS 232.1-B-2.
Reorganized Prox-1 Space Data Link Protocol Blue Book5.04 Space Link Protocols Working Group5.04 SLS-SLPBlue211.0-B-7ApprovedNASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredNASACNES, DLR, ESA, UKSA
There are  no technical changes to occur in this project. It is simply a reorganization of CCSDS 211.0-B, in order to split out the COP-P and session control portions, so that the core link layer protocol document similar to the other SDLPs remain.
Space Link Protocol Session Control5.04 Space Link Protocols Working Group5.04 SLS-SLPBlueApprovedNASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredNASACNES, DLR, ESA, UKSA
This is essentially a task that reorganizes existing material in 211.0-B-6 (session control) and puts it into a new generic CCSDS blue book. Any specific references to the Prox-1 Transfer Frame will be replaced with transfer frame, etc...
Update AOS to Version 5 Blue Book5.04 Space Link Protocols Working Group5.04 SLS-SLPBlue732.0-BApprovedNASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredCNES, ESA, NASA, UKSADLR
Revise SDLS Extended Procedures BB to adress constellations5.09 Space Data Link Security WG5.09 SLS-SDLSBlue355.1-B-2ApprovedNASAESATBDESA, NASACNES, DLR, UKSA
Triple Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEM)5.09 Space Data Link Security WG5.09 SLS-SDLSBlueApproved12/01/2026ESAESATBDESACNES, DLR, ESA, JAXA, NASA, UKSA
Coherent Optical Communications5.10 Optical Communications Working Group5.10 SLS-OPTBlueApprovedNASANASAESACNES, DLR, ESA, JAXA, NASA
The O3K recommendations are years behind schedule but that is due to a lack of prototypes.  However, the O3K Coding and Synhronization protoypes are almost complete (>95%); the O3K Physical prototypes are about 50% complete.  This Blue Book is relying on the resources of agencies not tied up in the O3K recommendations and prototypes.
Motion Imagery Applications6.08 Motion Imagery and Applications Working Group6.08 SIS-MIAGreen706.1Approved12/15/2023NASADLR, ESA, NASAJAXA
Much of the content for this book already exists in the form of status reports and design presentations.
Video Quality Assessment for Space Applications6.08 Motion Imagery and Applications Working Group6.08 SIS-MIAGreenApprovedNASADLR, ESA, NASA
Bundle in Bundle Encapsulation6.09 Delay Tolerant Networking Working Group6.09 SIS-DTNOrangeApprovedNASANASANot RequiredNot RequiredNASADLR, ESA, JAXA
There is commercial interest in this service in support of service provider networks for Lunar campaigns. 
Bundle Protocol Quality of Service Extensions6.09 Delay Tolerant Networking Working Group6.09 SIS-DTNOrangeApprovedESAESADLR
Resources from ESA are mainly through an on-going PhD thesis on this subject co-funded by ESA.
Compressed Bundle Status Reporting and Custody Signaling6.09 Delay Tolerant Networking Working Group6.09 SIS-DTNOrangeApproved10/01/2023ESAESAESA, NASAJAXA
DTN Multipoint Delivery6.09 Delay Tolerant Networking Working Group6.09 SIS-DTNOrangeApproved07/31/2024NASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredNASADLR, ESA
This Orange Book was determined by the DTN WG at the Spring 2023 CCSDS to be needed for the Lunar Relay mission and desired for ISS-IMC.  The Orange Book was seen as an appropriate precursor to a CCSDS Blue Book
DTN Network Management6.09 Delay Tolerant Networking Working Group6.09 SIS-DTNOrangeApprovedNASANot RequiredNot RequiredNot RequiredNASADLR, ESA
High Performance Reliability Protocol (HPRP)6.09 Delay Tolerant Networking Working Group6.09 SIS-DTNOrangeApproved10/31/2024DLRDLRESANASA
2 prototypic implementation (software and FPGA) are already available at DLR and have been extensively tested.
CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) - Pink Sheets6.12 CFDP Revisions Working Group6.12 SIS-CFDPBlue727.0Approved03/01/2024ESATBDTBDNASA
CFDP Unitdata Transfer Layers6.12 CFDP Revisions Working Group6.12 SIS-CFDPMagenta722.1Approved03/01/2024ESANot RequiredNot RequiredESANASA