SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AREA | The objective of the Systems Engineering Area (SEA) is to address system-wide architectural and engineering topics that are so pervasive that they span over all, or several, other CCSDS areas. This work includes development of specific standards and guidelines, development of system architectures and models, coordination/collaboration with other areas, and otherwise supporting CCSDS and CMC engineering and operational goals.
The SEA system architecture tasks include end-to-end reference architecture, architecture analysis and description methods, and related cross cutting terminology topics. The SEA security architecture and standards are to be used by other CCSDS areas requiring security guidance and services. The Delta-DOR services touch upon the Cross Support Services (CSS) and Space Link Services (SLS) areas, and Mission Operations and Information Management Services (MOIMS) may be involved in planning for use of these services. The information architecture and registry services also cross cut MOIMS, CSS, Space Internetworking (SIS), and other Services. Extensible Markup Language (XML) standards and guidelines and other special cross-cutting topics that are guided by SEA affect all of the other areas. As system or information architecture standards are developed, SEA will coordinate with the other CCSDS areas and working groups to develop approaches that align with CCSDS goals for interoperability and cross support. The strategic goals of the SEA are listed below.
SEA GOAL 1 - Security Architecture & services | Complete a security architecture and the framework, infrastructure mechanisms, and techniques to protect system elements, communication links, networks, and information as it flows through the end-to-end space mission system.
SEA GOAL 2 - Delta-DOR Architecture & Services | Define the mechanisms for performing Delta-DOR spacecraft ranging operations and the exchange and processing of observational data. Ensure that operational planning (service management and DOR tones) and ancillary tasks (Quasar reference sources) are well specified.
SEA GOAL 3 - Information Architecture and Services | Complete a reference information architecture, information infrastructure services including service-oriented architecture (SOA) and interfaces, and frameworks for handling operational data flows and supporting multi-agency federated data systems.
SEA GOAL 4 - XML Standards and Guidelines | Define the XML standards and guidelines to be used across all CCSDS areas.
SEA GOAL 5 - Timeline Data Exchange Standards | Define an extensible timeline data standard for exchange of linear and activity timelines to be used across all CCSDS areas.
Related CCSDS Technical Strategic Goals: | | | Future Work | - CWE Doc. TBD Timeline Data Standard (Blue Book)
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SEA GOAL 6 - Time Service Architecture | Define an overall time services architecture for time correlation, synchronization, and distribution, for end-to-end mission operations and cross support throughout the mission lifecycle.
SEA GOAL 7 - CCSDS Reference Architectures, Applications, Communications, and Terminology | Produce documents that will provide an architectureal description of the CCSDS
work, understanding of the links/interactions between the different standards, identification of gaps, and provide the means to describe these architectures, information models, and policies in a consistent way. Produce a CCSDS Application Layer Architecture showing the relationships among all of the application layer standards and services and their relationships to supporting standards for space communication and cross support. This is a companion document to the Space Communication Cross Support architecture (SCCS-ADD) that documents SLS, SIS, CSS, and SEA standards relationships. Work with MOIMS and SOIS to document the relationships between the standards in these two areas and with those already documented in the SCCS-ADD. Revise the CCSDS Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (RASDS) to accomplish its 5-year review and, in a second phase, augment the existing document with methods using Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) and SysML. Working with the other areas, update the CCSDS Glossary to provide a self consistent and unambiguous set of terms. Create a Registry Management Policy and related procedures and information models for managing the sets of registry information created by the other CCSDS areas.
Related CCSDS Technical Strategic Goals: | | | Existing Informational Reports and Experimental Specifications | - CCSDS 350.9-G-1 Cryptographic Algorithms
| Click Here for More Information | - CCSDS 901.0-G-1 Space Communication Cross Support Architecture – Architecture Description Document
| Click Here for More Information | Existing Recommended Standards / Practices | - CCSDS 311.0-M-1 Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems
| Click Here for More Information | - CCSDS 313.0-Y-1 Space Assigned Numbers Authority (SANA)-Role, Responsibilities, Policies and Procedures (Issue 2)
| Click Here for More Information | - CCSDS 320.0-B-6 CCSDS Global Spacecraft Identifier Field: Code Assignment Control Procedures (issue 6)
| Click Here for More Information | - CCSDS 901.1-M-1 Space Communication Cross Support Architecture – Architecture Requirements Document
| Click Here for More Information | Recommended Standards / Practices Currently in Production | - CCSDS 320.0-M-7 CCSDS Global Spacecraft Identifier Field: Code Assignment Control Procedures (issue 7)
| | - CWE Doc. 313.1-Y Registry Management Policy (including policy, procedures, and information models)
| | - CWE Doc. 313.2-Y Procedures for SANA Registry Specification
| | Future Work | - CCSDS 311.0-M Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (Issue 3, MBSE and other extensions)
| | - CCSDS 311.0-M Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (Magenta Book, Issue 2)
| | - CWE Doc. SANA Glossary CCSDS Glossary updates (SANA)
| Click Here for More Information | - CWE Doc. TBD CCSDS Application Layer Architecture (Magenta Book)
| | - Five year confirmation Review process for published recommended standards and practices
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