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Name of Group

6.06 IP Over CCSDS Space Links Working Group


Space Internetworking Services Area (SIS)


Greg Kazz

Chairperson E-Mail Address

Chairperson Agency


Deputy Chairperson

Deputy Chairperson E-Mail Address

Deputy Chairperson Agency

Mailing List

Scope of Activity

The purpose of this WG is to clearly define how IP datagrams will be carried over CCSDS links, including compressed header IP datagrams. This activity is envisioned to encompass three major areas: IP over CCSDS links service concept, PDU formats, and transfer service primitives.

Rationale for Activity

It is generally recognized that IP datagram transfers will become more prevalent for both on-board applications as well as off-board for transfer through a network of in-space CCSDS data links. Although the CCSDS space link protocols can support IP datagram transfer, there is a lack of a clear specification for how to accomplish this. -. Currently, each of the four CCSDS space data link protocols  - AOS, TC, TM, Proximity-1 -  includes a short section (devoid of any context information) that defines how to carry IP datagrams over that  link. This Working Group Charter establishes the detailed steps, personnel, and schedule needed to transform the ‘IP over CCSDS Links BOF’ White Paper  into a formal CCSDS specification that will become the agreed international mechanism for interoperably transferring IP datagrams over CCSDS space links, to ensure  cross-support amongst  space Agencies requiring this capability.


The IP over CCSDS Space Links WG will have the following objectives: 1) Describe the recommended method(s) of transferring IPv4, IPv6 and compressed IP header datagrams over the four underlying internationally standardized CCSDS link layer protocols: – TM Space Data Link Protocol – TC Space Data Link Protocol – AOS Space Data Link Protocol – Proximity-1 Space Data Link Protocol 2) Recommend the standard CCSDS options for carrying IP datagrams within those CCSDS frames, including the mode where those IP datagrams under go header compression. 3) Utilize the “IP over CCSDS Links BOF” Concept Paper ( as the framework for the content of the CCSDS IP over CCSDS Recommended Practice specification.

Survey of Similar Standards Efforts Undertaken in
Other Bodies and elsewhere in CCSDS


Patent Licensing Applicability for Future Standards

There are no patents envisioned as a result of this working group.

Technical Risk Mitigation Strategy


Management Risk Mitigation Strategy

Schedule relies upon the assistance of British Space Agency, NASA, and ESA and on the allocation of adequate Agency resources to the WG. This work involves coordination between SLS area SLS-SLP WG and the SIS area SIS-DTN.
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