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Day Craig (6/10/2008 4:58 PM): From: (Under Goals)

The High Rate Uplink WG will have the following objectives:
1) Develop the functional and performance requirements for a CCSDS telecommand standard accommodating data rates up to 10 Mb/s by the year 2007. This work involves integrating the requirements within the following functional areas: RF & Modulation, Coding & Synchronization, and Link Layer protocols.

2) Develop two high rate uplink application profiles with respect to these requirements: One application profile for cislunar and the second for deep space.

3) Ensure that the solutions proposed by this WG provide backward compatibility to the installed CCSDS customer base utilizing the current RF& Modulation, TC Sync and Channel Coding and TC Space Data Link Protocol.

To: (under Goals)
The High Rate Uplink WG will have the following objectives:
1) Develop the functional and performance requirements for a CCSDS telecommand standard accommodating data rates up to 20 Mb/s for use by 2015. This work involves integrating the requirements within the following functional areas: RF & Modulation, Coding & Synchronization, and Link Layer protocols.

2) Develop three high rate uplink application profiles with respect to these requirements and where applicable including ranging:

2-1) Nominal HRU. Provide an application profile blue book for uplinks >= 250kbps and < 20 Mbps TBC (includes ranging)

2-2) Current Uplink. Provide an application profile for uplinks < 250Kbps and > 100 bps. (includes ranging)

2-3) Emergency Uplink: Provide an application profile blue book for uplinks < 100 bps.

3) Ensure that the solutions proposed by this WG provide backward compatibility to the installed CCSDS customer base utilizing the current RF& Modulation, TC Sync and Channel Coding and TC Space Data Link Protocol.
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Name of Group

5.08 Next Generation Uplink Working Group


Space Link Services Area (SLS)


Greg Kazz

Chairperson E-Mail Address

Chairperson Agency


Deputy Chairperson

Ed Greenberg

Deputy Chairperson E-Mail Address

Deputy Chairperson Agency

Mailing List

Scope of Activity

This WG will develop requirements for achieving increases in uplink data rate by taking an integrated approach in investigating bandwidth efficient modulation techniques, along with the appropriate channel coding methods coupled with the use of the most appropriate link layer protocols.

Rationale for Activity

There is renewed activity for further exploration of the moon. This includes both non-manned and manned missions. Furthermore, there is a need to transfer the communication technology developed for lunar missions to deep space whenever possible. In this endeavor, it is prudent for the CCSDS to develop the underlying requirements to enable higher rate uplinks beyond the current CCSDS capability. It is important to note that these higher data rates will be required for normal operations and it is essential to maintain backward compatibility with the present level 1 and level 2 CCSDS recommendations for operations where lower rates can suffice and for emergency operations. The rationale for this WG includes the following: 1) The current CCSDS recommendations can only accommodate telecommand rates up to 1 Mb/s. 2) The first Lunar missions requiring uplink data rates in excess of 1 Mb/s are planned for launch as early as 2011. 3) At least four years are required to budget, design, build, and test a new telecommand capability. 4) Uplink rates to 10 Mb/s will be required to support manned missions. 5) High rate downlink missions that use Acknowledged CFDP will increase the uplink data rate requirements.  It is calculated that a 5 Mbps downlink could saturate a 4 kbps uplink with CFDP downlink responses (NAKs, FINISHs, EOF ACKs). 6) NASA is moving to replace its aging DSN antennas with Downlink Arrays which will support multiple spacecraft telemetry links within the same aperture. An array is efficient for supporting telemetry but its utility for uplink is yet to be proven and will certainly be limited to supporting a single spacecraft leaving the remainder unsupported.  Thus this process will require uplinks to be shared during their telemetry passes which obviously will result in significantly shorter command passes. 7) Today’s spacecraft are storehouses for software which include software for Field Programmable Gate Arrays which are rapidly replacing unique hardware systems. Changes to flight software occasionally requires uplinks to deliver very large volumes of data.


The Next Generation Uplink WG will develop a CCSDS Green Book that contains the following objectives: 1a) Develop the functional and performance requirements for a CCSDS telecommand standard accommodating data rates up to 20 Mb/s. This work involves integrating the requirements within the following functional areas: RF & Modulation, Coding & Synchronization, and Link Layer protocols. 1b) Develop two high rate uplink application profiles with respect to these requirements: One application profile for cislunar and the second for deep space. 1c) Ensure that the solutions proposed to the RFM, C&S and SLP WGs provide backward compatibility to the installed CCSDS customer base utilizing the current RF&Modulation, TC Sync and Channel Coding and TC Space Data Link Protocol.

Survey of Similar Standards Efforts Undertaken in
Other Bodies and elsewhere in CCSDS

Patent Licensing Applicability for Future Standards

There are no patents envisioned as a result of this working group.

Technical Risk Mitigation Strategy


Management Risk Mitigation Strategy

Schedule relies upon at least one other CCSDS Agency joining the effort and on the allocation of adequate Agency resources to the WG. This work involves coordination between SLS area and the SIS area Cislunar WG.
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