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Kazz Greg (6/15/2015 1:41 PM): Added USLP Blue and Green Book to this charter. Removed work already completed from the charter (Proximity-1 5 year review etc)

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Name of Group

5.04 Space Link Protocols Working Group


Space Link Services Area (SLS)


Greg Kazz

Chairperson E-Mail Address

Chairperson Agency


Deputy Chairperson

Mathew Cosby

Deputy Chairperson E-Mail Address

Deputy Chairperson Agency

UK Space Agency

Mailing List

Scope of Activity

This WG develops and adapts wherever possible link layer protocols for new mission environments (proximity communication, formation flying, optical communication, missions utilizing high rate telemetry and telecommand.

Rationale for Activity

Develop the CCSDS next generation link layer protocol, called the Unified Space Data Link Protocol (USLP). This protocol is to support data exchange over all space communications links: space-to-ground, ground-to-space, and space-to-space. This protocol has provision for several margin enhancing capabilities including but not limited to high data rate (hundreds of Megabytes) missions and expanded Spacecraft ID Name Space.
In line with the evolutions in the CCSDS link layer protocols which occurred in the recent years, e.g., development of the Proximity-1 Space Link Protocol, it has become necessary to update and complete the Green Books related to these link layer protocols.
It is important to note that this WG maintains a very close liaison with the related Channel Coding WG and  RF & Modulation WG.


1) Develop the Unified Space Data Link Protocol (USLP) Blue Book.

2) Develop the Unified Space Data Link Protocol (USLP) Green Book.

3) Revise CCSDS 133.0-B-1 to modify and limit the scope of concepts such as Logical Data Path and APID Qualifiers.

4) Revise CCSDS 130.0-G-3 Overview of Space Communications Protocols Green Book to be consistent with the revised SPP.

5) Revise CCSDS 133.1-B (Encapsulation Service) to remove applicability for Space Packets and consistently rename it to "Encapsulation Packet Protocol"

In the past years, the SLP WG has completed the following goals: Updated Proximity-1 Space Link Protocol—Data Link Layer - Blue Book to Issue 5; Updated Proximity-1 Green Book to Issue 2; Updated Space Data Link Protocols Green Book to Issue 2; Updated Overview of Space Communications Protocols Green Book to Issue 3; Updated TC Space Data Link Protocol for inclusion of SDLS Requirements; Updated AOS Space Data Link Protocol for inclusion of 5-year Review and SDLS Requirements; Update the TM Space Data Link Protocol Blue Book for inclusion of 5-year Review and SDLS Requirements; Updated Space Data Link Protocol Green Book 130.2 to conform to the changes to the TC Sync and Channel Coding Blue Book.

Survey of Similar Standards Efforts Undertaken in
Other Bodies and elsewhere in CCSDS

Patent Licensing Applicability for Future Standards

There are no patents envisioned as a result of this working group. 

Technical Risk Mitigation Strategy

No technical risks have been identified.

Management Risk Mitigation Strategy

The schedule is somewhat dependent upon having the members of the Working Group provide a sufficient review of draft white, red, and green books. Another schedule risk involves getting technical editing assistance from the Document Editor on the submitted technical documentation.
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Note - To view "Draft" projects, which are not yet approved Click Here.

 Approved Projects

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Currently 29 Projects     
Document Type
Project Status
Project Phase
Modified By
Reorganize COP-1/COP-P into one Combined Blue BookBlueBehind ScheduleProject ApprovedBrian Oliver 
Reorganized Prox-1 Space Data Link Protocol Blue BookBlueN/A - No Tasks CompletedProject ApprovedBrian Oliver 
Space Link Protocol Session ControlBlueBehind ScheduleProject ApprovedBrian Oliver 
Proximity-1 Space Link Protocol—Data Link Layer - Issue 5BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
Space Data Link Protocols Greenbook Issue 2GreenAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
Proximity-1 Green Book Issue 2GreenAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
AOS Space Data Link Protocol Issue 3: 5-year Review + SDLS RqmtBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
TM Space Data Link Protocol Issue 2: 5-year Review + SDLS RqmtBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
Overview of Space Communications Protocols (Issue 3) 130.0 Green BookGreenAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
TC Space Data Link Protocol Issue 3: SDLS RqmtBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
Unified Space Data Link Protocol Green BookGreenAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedGian Paolo Calzolari 
Unified Space Data Link Protocol Blue BookBlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedMargherita di Giulio 
Space Data Link Protocols Green Book (Issue 3)GreenAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedCCSDS Tech Support 
Space Packet Protocol, Issue 2BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedGian Paolo Calzolari 
Overview of Space Communications Protocols, Issue 4GreenAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
Encapsulation Service - Issue 3BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedGian Paolo Calzolari 
Proximity-1 Space Link Protocol - Data Link Layer (Issue6)BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
Space Packet (SPP) and Encapsulation Packet (EPP) Protocols - Summary of Concept and RationaleGreenAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
AOS Space Data Link Protocol, Issue 4BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedLaura Stafford 
TM Space Data Link Protocol, Issue 3BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedLaura Stafford 
Unified Space Data Link Protocol Blue Book Issue 2BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedLaura Stafford 
TC Space Data Link protocol, Issue 4BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedLaura Stafford 
USLP Blue Book Revisions 3.0BlueAll Tasks CompletedProject CompletedBrian Oliver 
Update AOS to Version 5 Blue BookBlueBehind ScheduleProject not StartedBrian Oliver 
SLS Glossary of TermsMagentaBehind ScheduleSecond draft circulated to WGBrian Oliver 
USLP Green Book Version 2GreenBehind ScheduleSecond draft comments dueBrian Oliver 
Proximity-1 Green Book Revision G-3GreenBehind ScheduleSecretariat Document ProcessingGreg Kazz 
Augmenting Proximity-1 Directive Set for Lunar OperationsBlueBehind ScheduleSecretariat Document ProcessingGreg Kazz 
Add New Normative Annex: Proximity-1 Link Default Session Access Control Parameters for the Mars and Lunar EnterprisesBlueBehind ScheduleSecretariat Document ProcessingGreg Kazz