
Project Title

Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (Issue 2)



Document Number

CCSDS 311.0-M


1.01 System Architecture Working Group

Document Type


Description of Document

The RASDS provides a set of architecture viewpoint specifications and views suitable for use in describing space data systems. These include: Enterprise, Functional, Connectivity (physical & deployment), Protocol, and Information viewpoints. \n \n This update is proposed to add new viewpoints for: Services (exposed interfaces), Physical (structural, electrical, etc), and Operations (process & procedure). The Services viewpoint has already been created for the SCCS-ARD, but it is not formalized in the RASDS. The other two viewpoints are of importance to CCSDS (TC 20 / SC 13) and also to ISO TC 20 / SC 14 which has adopted the RASDS framework to describe their own work. Further work is planned to adopt the more modern SysML Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) methods and representations in addition to the simpler Powerpoint representations that are presently employed. This will probably be done as a annex, leaving the existing PPT diagrams in place.

Applicable Patents

There are no patent issues for this technology that are known by the CCSDS community

Patent Comments

Survey of Similar Standards
Documents or Projects
Undertaken in Other Bodies
and elsewhere in CCSDS

The work proposed here leverages earlier work in the SEA SAWG and also work done in the CSS CSA WG. It builds upon work done in the SCCS-ARD & ADD. Other reference architectures, such as DoDAF or ToGAF exist, but none covers all of the the same topics as RASDS. Parts of these, such as the DoDAF operations views, will be adopted where useful. \n \n The RASDS work already leverages work done in RM-ODP (a set of ISO specs) and it is also compliant with ISO 42010 and IEEE 1471. The RASDS framework has been adopted by parts of ISO TC 20 / SC 14 and they wish to collaborate with us on this work since they would value the addition of the operations and physical viewpoints for their own work. The proposed SysML extensions leverage work done in the OMG, which now supports viewpoints, and also work done in several NASA tasks that have explored use of SysML in this context. \n


Book Editor


Book Editor Resources

8 MM

Prototype 1

Prototype 1 Resources


Prototype 2

Prototype 2 Resources


Prototype 3

Prototype 3 Resources



Monitor Only


Resource Comments

There are no prototypes needed for a MB. The framework of the document is sound as it is and the characteristics of these other viewpoints is well understood. The major work will be in defining the SysML mapping, but significant experience in this method and application exists already in NASA and elsewhere.


Legend for Schedule Milestones
Orange Bullet = Required for Orange Books
Green Bullet = Required for Green Books
Magenta Bullet = Required for Magenta Books
Blue Bullet = Required for Blue Books
Note - Red Books are Draft Blue/Magenta Books

Schedule Milestones
Orange BookGreen BookMagenta BookBlue Book
Original Completion Date
(Date in M/D/YYYY format.)
(Date in M/D/YYYY format.)
Project ApprovedOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet11/1/2016
Project Start DateOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet12/5/2016
Internal WG Review
First Draft Circulated to WGOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet7/31/2017
First Draft Comments DueOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet9/4/2017
Second draft circulated to WGOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet12/4/2017
Second Draft Comments DueOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet1/15/2018
Final WB Submitted to AD for Further ProcessingOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet4/16/2018
External Milestones
Secretariat Document ProcessingOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet6/15/2018
First Agency ReviewMagenta BulletBlue Bullet8/17/2018
RID ResolutionMagenta BulletBlue Bullet10/19/2018
Secretariat Document Processing 2Magenta BulletBlue Bullet11/22/2018
Final Agency ReviewMagenta BulletBlue Bullet1/18/2019
RID ResolutionMagenta BulletBlue Bullet2/28/2019
First Prototype DevelopmentBlue Bullet
Second Prototype DevelopmentBlue Bullet
CMC ApprovalOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet4/26/2019
Total Time to Complete
(in months)
Version: 51.0
Created at 7/2/2015 7:10 PM by Shames Peter
Last modified at 6/3/2024 1:04 PM by Peter Shames