
Project Title

Mission Operations - Message Abstraction Layer Binding to ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol



Document Number



2.04 Spacecraft Monitoring and Control Working Group

Document Type


Description of Document

MAL technology binding to ZeroMQ transport a yet TBD binary encoding. The binary encoding may be one of the three existing encoding or a combination. Hence "CNES" is a placeholder for the actual name of the encoding.

Applicable Patents

There are no patent issues for this technology that are known by the CCSDS community

Patent Comments

Survey of Similar Standards
Documents or Projects
Undertaken in Other Bodies
and elsewhere in CCSDS


Book Editor


Book Editor Resources

6mm. The specification of MO bindings to a transport and encoding is not a complext conceptual matter but more a question of a mapping. The existing SPP blue book provides a good template for producing other binding specifications. However a major part of the work is already done in the context of a parallel CNES activity (outside CCSDS), which shall produce a draft specification in the expected Blue Book format. Hence it is expected that 1mm of effort shall be needed in the WG for the review and finalisation of the book.

Prototype 1


Prototype 1 Resources

3mm In the context of the above mentioned CNES activity a prototype will also be implemented.

Prototype 2


Prototype 2 Resources

2nd prototype to be done by ESA

Prototype 3

Prototype 3 Resources



Monitor Only


Resource Comments


Legend for Schedule Milestones
Orange Bullet = Required for Orange Books
Green Bullet = Required for Green Books
Magenta Bullet = Required for Magenta Books
Blue Bullet = Required for Blue Books
Note - Red Books are Draft Blue/Magenta Books

Schedule Milestones
Orange BookGreen BookMagenta BookBlue Book
Original Completion Date
(Date in M/D/YYYY format.)
(Date in M/D/YYYY format.)
Project ApprovedOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet1/1/2006
Project Start DateOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet6/1/2015
Internal WG Review
First Draft Circulated to WGOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet9/1/2015
First Draft Comments DueOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet9/15/2015
Second draft circulated to WGOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet9/22/2015
Second Draft Comments DueOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet10/6/2015
Final WB Submitted to AD for Further ProcessingOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet10/20/2015
External Milestones
Secretariat Document ProcessingOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet11/4/2015
First Agency ReviewMagenta BulletBlue Bullet1/3/2016
RID ResolutionMagenta BulletBlue Bullet2/2/2016
Secretariat Document Processing 2Magenta BulletBlue Bullet
Final Agency ReviewMagenta BulletBlue Bullet
RID ResolutionMagenta BulletBlue Bullet
First Prototype DevelopmentOrange BulletBlue Bullet2/2/2016
Second Prototype DevelopmentBlue Bullet2/2/2016
CMC ApprovalOrange BulletGreen BulletMagenta BulletBlue Bullet6/1/2016
Total Time to Complete
(in months)
Version: 478.0
Created at 11/18/2014 10:02 AM by Merri Mario
Last modified at 10/15/2018 6:04 PM by Brian Oliver